Mige New Materi...| Corporate News- Jiangsu Mige New Materials Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Mige New Materials Co., Ltd.

Mige New Material invites you to come to the National Flow Battery Conference

time:2024-07-10 publisher:admin source:Corporate News clicks:962

The 2024 National Flow Battery Conference will be held in Suzhou Nikko Hotel on August 9, and representatives of upstream and downstream enterprises in the flow battery industry, experts and scholars will participate in the conference to discuss the current situation and development of the flow battery field.

Carbon materials are widely used in new energy and energy storage. Jiangsu MIG New Materials Co., Ltd. has established the corporate vision of "Let energy innovation redefine a better life". The company not only provides carbon fiber thermal field materials for photovoltaic new energy fields to achieve high efficiency insulation and help reduce energy consumption in photovoltaic crystalline silicon production, but also provides graphite electrode felt for long-term energy storage flow batteries to improve electrochemical performance and help flow batteries improve efficiency.

We sincerely invite you to visit the booth of MIG New Material at the National Flow Battery Congress to learn about our flow battery electrode felt and other products. We will use new materials to help the sustainable development of society.



Mige New Materials National flow battery conference invitation

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